Home sweet home

 We have officially closed on the farm and moved in to our new house! We have actually been here a few days, but the wiring process of money from the mainland to Hawaii is so complicated that it took much longer to close than we originally expected. Thankfully our sellers were really cool and understanding and let us move in a little bit early.

When we moved in, the house was COMPLETELY empty. And having come from Chicago by car and plane, we had no furniture, no linens and no dishes or kitchen supplies! We literally had to shop for everything.

Here are some pictures of our empty house for you to get the idea.


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In the last week, we have been to Costco nearly every day and Target, Lowes and Home Depot a number of times.





Once we got our stuff home to our empty house, we literally just piled our haul in a huge stack in a couple piles.

photo-39We also set up our "bed" in the master bedroom.


Before moving here, I always thought it would be really fun to completely decorate a house  from scratch. Man I was so wrong! It is so much work to have literally nothing to go in your house - especially because waiting to find the "perfect" thing for a certain spot means living without whatever it is at all.

I think most couples have a bunch of mismatched furniture and linens left over from college and they slowly replace them over time or wait to register for the perfect set when they get married. For Doug and I, we really tried to pare down our possessions that we stored in Chicago and we are not getting married until Oct. of 2014. Clearly we cannot wait to get towels or plates for a year and a half.

As for our Chicago possessions that are currently in storage, our plan is to ship a Pod to Hawaii when we are back in Chicago next week. The Pod won't arrive in Hawaii until May though, so even though we can live without a lot of our stuff until May, we still need the essentials - like towels, bath mats, bathroom sets, mattresses, garbage cans, chairs, a table, dishes, silverware, pots and pans, tools etc. It has been very expensive and very stressful to pick out all of this stuff. All I can say is thank God for Costco and Target!